Wednesday 10 August 2016

Iaven Story

Iaven Personality:
His parents are florists that grow their own flowers, however he has a lazy personality and doesn’t want to work in the gardens. His outfit is very proper and aspires to take over his parents shop when he grows older.

Iaven is very protective of his sister and will become extremely aggressive to anyone who is unfriendly to her. If nothing else is happening he prefers to nap at the shop counter while his parents are working the shop.

The Story:
Iaven (heather lavender)
A young boy who fully intends to live the calm life that is promised to him. He’s going to be a florist, like his parents and his grandparents and great-grandparents. It’s an unbroken tradition.

The calm is broken after a family fight. He has to go chasing his confrontational sister down, and when they come back home, they find that their town is frozen in time on the cusp of spring. The people are frozen in time, there is no wind, and they find that they can’t leave.

Amongst the frozen town, they find a sobbing alien. Despite wanting to walk away, his sister urges them to interact with the alien. Through rough gestures, they’re on the same page: restore the alien’s ship and make time move again.

Together, they hunt through the town to look for the broken ship parts, becoming close friends in the process. The siblings decide to call the alien Callia, for innocence. (Flowerspeak is important to them since they’re florists-in-training.) . In the process, they stumble across another alien, who happened to be on the planet by chance. Callia insists the newcomer is their friend, and they search for parts together. The siblings name them Aivi.

They find all the parts, and the ship is fully restored to a flight-ready status. Callia goes to make time move again and pushes the button. Nothing happens. Iaven thinks about his family, and is horrified. He shouts at Callia, out of frustration and tiredness, and leaves with his sister.

He stews in feelings of betrayal and general awfulness, because he thought Callia was a friend. It doesn’t help that he can hear sobbing from a distance away, much like the time they found Callia.

After a long time, he realizes that the sobbing had stopped. He thinks Callia must’ve left, and feels even worse. But he hears the sound of grass crunching under footsteps behind him, and he turns around just in time to see Callia falling over. His sister convinces him to give Callia a chance, and Callia holds up a little part. The missing ship part. He feels faith being restored, and tries to ignore the implications as all the kids scramble back to the ship. With shaking hands, Callia puts the part in and presses a button.

Time around them moves in hyper speed, as it catches up in lost time, and the siblings watch with Callia as time is restored and the flowers bloom around them. The ship fades with Callia as the time approaches the present. When time is normal again, he looks back, but all signs of Callia and the ship are gone. In its place is a plain of flowers, and their parents running towards them to pull them into a hug.

- Written by Hyemi Park

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