Monday, 17 October 2016

Colour Controls and Grouping

I watched the videos and finished up the colouring of the controls,

Left = Red
Right = Blue
Middle = Yellow
Cog = White
Custom Controls = Green

Some things I did before this was do the locator in the knees. At first I did it but forgot to move it in object mode (even though the video told me to do it twice) so I had to redo it a second time. I'm confident that I did this pretty well and if I didn't, well I'll just redo it in the future (no biggie *cries*)
Another problem that I ran into was that the Clavical controls were hidden inside my characters geometry. I was confused when I tried to find and colour them but they weren't there. After hiding the geo I found them located very closely to the neck joint so I just moved them out so that they were more visible. 

The outliner reorganizing everything was kind of a nightmare. Not so much that it was hard but my eyes really started to hurt looking at everything grouped together strained my eyes a lot. I ended up finishing without a lot of problems though so I'm pretty happy about that. Next thing that I need to do is to join up the skeleton and do some weight painting. I remember when I was a little younger (maybe 4 years) I attempted weight painting with some premade models + animations. It was a mistake. Beause I edited the model the weights went way off and the only thing I could think of at the time was repainting them (with youtube tutorial help), so hopefully this time I am more successful than I was in the past (I wasn't).

Image result for mafia miss fortune model

The "old" model is the one that I tried to edit by removing the hat.

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