Sunday 19 June 2016

First Phase Complete


I have split the animation of Riverford into four sections, the bite, turn, tilt/eye open and jump. I have finished the first part and now I'm going to start on the second which is when Riverford turns around to face the camera.

This is the position of Riverford off camera, not to scale. I might seperate this part from the main snake and blur it out to make it seem closer to the camera in after effects. I'm not sure if that will be too distracting so I will ask the teacher at some point.

This is the old animation. Just by looking at it the ending part, and even the parts leading up to it seem very off. The movement of the bottom of Riverford is very jerky and moves very far, also the scales do not match the movement of the head. Thankfully after looking at this for a while I determined the issues and have fixed them (shown above). I looked at the snake from the Jungle Book as a reference for the movement.

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